130 thousand persons appeared this year in Bednary, to visit exhibition stands with the area of more than 130 thousand m2 and get familiar with the latest offer of companies in agricultural discipline. These numbers confirm that AGRO SHOW is the largest open-air agricultural exhibition in Europe and a real feast in the field!
It is not surprising that AGRO SHOW is the event that is most awaited every year. A lot of companies plan the premiere of their new products during this show and everybody presents their best products on AGRO SHOW. Direct contact of entrepreneurs with potential customers not only allows for presentation of advantages of their products, but it also gives insight in market expectations. The organiser made all efforts to ensure the most attractive form and surroundings for the exchange of information between the supply and demand side of the market. First of all, attention was paid to a rich portfolio of the exhibition. Owing to this, the visitors had a chance to familiarise with an offer of companies from every sector of the agricultural industry: starting from manufacturers of agricultural machines, through the enterprises of agricultural chemical sector, up to the financial companies specialising in servicing of agricultural sector.
What become the hallmark of AGRO SHOW are the demonstrations of machines at work, during which the visitors could see with their own eyes the possibilities offered by exhibited equipment. The show organiser strives to ensure such conditions for presentation of machines at work that most closely resemble those in the field and also to ensure a professional comment for demonstrations. Live shows of machines have been the most awaited and effective element of the show for years. Such a form of presentation is very valuable for farmers, since they can compare technical performance of presented machines and devices, and also talk directly to their manufacturers and dealers. This year the visitors had a chance to watch the show from comfortable stands that were filled to the very last seat. Two blocks of the demonstration took place. In the first one, precision farming was presented, using sprayers as its example. 11 machines took part in the show. The second block was dedicated to cultivation technique in a simplified system, with 9 sets participating in this part.
For the first time, the Polish Chamber of Commerce of Agricultural Machines and Facilities invited dealer companies to AGRO SHOW, to participate in the Forum for Agricultural Machine Dealers organised on Thursday.
Presentation was made by the Secretary General of the European association of agricultural machinery dealerships CLIMMAR, Mr. Jelle Bertlema. Michał Spaczyński, Managing Director of PIGMiUR also took the floor during the Forum, to present the organisation. Forum participants also had a chance to listen to the discussion panel “Impact of agricultural policy of the European Union on the condition of agricultural machine dealers. Assumptions of common agricultural policy for the next budget period”.
The discussion moderated by Bartłomiej Mayer had the following participants: Jelle Bertlema – secretary of the organisation CLIMMAR, Dr hab. Wawrzyniec Czubak from the Economic and Social Faculty of the Department of Economics and Economic Policy in Agro-business of Poznan University of Life Sciences (Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu), Mariusz Lęgowski – representative of the Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development in the European Commission and Józef Dworakowski – the President of PIGMiUR.
For many years PIGMiUR has laid significant emphasis on education and wide-spreading of the specialist knowledge in the field. During AGRO SHOW 2019 finals were held of the all-Poland competitions organised by the Chamber: “Medal-worthy Mechanic” and “Medal-worthy Young Mechanic”.
Medal-worthy Mechanic – the 8th
This competition was aimed for persons at least 18 years old, employed basing on a contract of employment in an agricultural machinery service plant, performing works connected with repairing agricultural machines, as well as an entrepreneur managing an agricultural machinery service plant.
5 mechanics have competed against one another in the final round, evaluated as the best ones during the on-line elimination stage. They competed face to face during the practical stage. The theoretical finals took place in Bednary during the AGRO SHOW.
These are the winners of the 8th edition of the competition “Medal-worthy Mechanic”:
I place – Krzysztof Chodorski – POM Augustów
II place – Adam Michalak – Reiffeisen Agritechnika
III place – Jarosław Brozio – POM Augustów
Medal-worthy Young Mechanic – the 7th Edition
This competition is addressed at students of agricultural schools who wish to develop their interests and skills in the scope of technical servicing of agricultural machines. The young mechanics from schools from all over Poland were confronted with practical tasks and a series of theoretical questions. The students willing to participate in the competition fought for attractive awards. In addition, awards were also granted to the schools whose students won the first, second or third place in the competition.
These are the winners of the 5th edition of the competition “Medal-worthy Young Mechanic”:
I place – Piotr Bryszak – ZSP in Poznań
II place – Miłosz Augustyn – ZS No. 2 Rypin
III place – Marek Więcek – ZSP No. 1 in Gniezno
This time, the competitors also fought for participation in the European competition of professional skills Euroskills 2020. This competition will be held in Graz in Austria, and one of the winners of our competition will be the first representative from Poland in the competition for mechanics and service technicians of agricultural machines.
Traditionally, one could also participate in the competition “Make Show on Agro Show” organised on the area of the exhibition. We look forward to see the works of YouTubers. They will be available soon on as19.agroshow.pl.
The exhibition was also an occasion to promote the book Agrotronic systems (“Systemy agrotroniczne”), published by the Polish Chamber of Commerce of Agricultural Machines and Facilities. It was received with great interest. The book was obtained by editorial offices accredited for our show, by the dealers who participated in the Forum for Dealers and by the finalists of the competitions organised by the Chamber.
Conferences and seminars were held during the show.
The first one, held on Saturday entitled “Agri-production farm in harmony with nature and environment” was organised by the Foundation for Sustainable Development (Fundacja na Rzecz Zrównoważonego Rozwoju), and the other one was the conference of the State Plant Health and Seed Inspection (Państwowa Inspekcja Ochrony Roślin i Nasiennictwa).
On Sunday a very interesting subject “Innovation in agriculture here and now” was presented by the Research Network Łukasiewicz Industrial Institute of Agricultural Machinery (Przemysłowy Instytut Maszyn Rolniczych Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz).
During AGRO SHOW 2019 on the area of the Exhibition the Polish Television installed its special studio, where the agricultural programme “Tydzień” was shot. Among others, the representatives of PIGMiUR took part in the programme, informing on organisation of Exhibitions and attractions that wait for farmers in Poland. The ready programme was broadcast on Sunday, 22 September at 8:00, on the channel TVP 1 – the media sponsor of the Exhibition.
– This year’s AGRO SHOW had almost 730 companies as exhibitors, including almost 110 foreign exhibitors.
– During 4 days the Show was visited by more than 130 thousand persons.
– The exhibition space exceeded 130 thousand m2.
– The entire area of the exhibition covered more than 130 ha.