Organizer: PIG


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Application forms for machine shows

The shows will take place, as in recent years, in a specially prepared zone, and visitors will be able to watch them in comfortable conditions from the stands we have prepared.

The presentation of machines will take place every day of the exhibition (Friday-Saturday-Sunday) from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m.

The assumptions of this year’s machine shows are as follows:

– we want to present machines that farmers currently need the most (enriching the soil with organic matter, precision of lime, manure, fertilizer spreading, precision of plant protection, minimal cultivation technologies, including strip tillage),

– we ask each company taking part in the shows to provide the 5 most important arguments for their product, which will be presented by the presenters during the show,

– we want to have the highest possible attendance, which is why this year’s shows will be enriched with competitions and attractions for visitors present at the shows.

On our part, the preparation of the ground for the shows is already underway. We have organised the sowing of catch crops on the entire demonstration field. Before the exhibition, we will try to use a shredder to shred the areas where there should be no plants. Due to the great interest of farmers in the agronomic aspects of using machines, we want to present selected machines in growing catch crops – the aim is not only to diversify the shows, but also to indicate the justification for using field shredders, disc harrows with knife rollers, and to present knife rollers used on the front or rear three-point linkage of the tractor.

After tidying up the field partially with field shredders and disc harrows, we want to present machines for deep cultivation – cultivators and machines for strip cultivation, including seed drills for strip cultivation.

Spreading manure and liming, as well as slurry tankers with soil introduction of liquid manure are other important operations that we plan to present during the shows.

All drives will be supported by professional commentary with an agronomic justification for the use of these machines.

Interested companies are requested to submit their application for participation in the shows on the attached form by August 26th.

The forms are available HERE.
